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P.O. Box 94556 
Las Vegas, NV 89193
(702) 283-4858 (Greg's Cell)
Renewals of real estate licenses
(real estate licenses, property management permits, business broker permits): 

The broker or the brokerage does NOT send out renewal notices, nor does the broker remind agents of their renewal responsibilities and their other licensing requirements such as continuing education... ​
The individual AGENT is responsible for knowing and remembering their license expiration month as given to them by the Nevada Real Estate Division (NRED) and renewing when required. Again, no notices are sent out.  
​Contact the Nevada Real Estate Division (NRED) directly regarding your license expiration and license duration...
Here's a link for the NRED individual license information and expiration date.   

An agent's real estate license can be renewed in three ways:  

1.)  Online 
2.)  By Mail
3.)  In person

You will need to complete Nevada Real Estate Division (NRED) Form 580. Read the form in its entirety.  

Bring, mail, or submit online, the NRED Form 580 directly to the NRED, Not to the broker. Again, directly to the NRED.  Real estate licensing renewal is between YOU and the NRED, nothing to do with the broker, are we clear on this, thank you.

The broker's signature is NOT required on the renewal form. 
Again, the broker's signature is NOT, NOT, NOT, NOT required on the renewal form. Thank you. 

Visit the Nevada Real Estate Division's (NRED) website by clicking on this ONLINE link if you're still confused about renewals; contact them directly in regards to YOUR specific renewal requirements.         
EMAIL the office if you have any questions, thank you.

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