All instructions needed to affiliate with our brokerage are explained in this website.
Follow the directions that is specific to your situation, there are three (3) links, only one will apply to your situation.
Still confused, email the broker and leave a phone number and a best time to call and speak directly with the broker or a company representative.
1.) What other cost(s) are associated with hanging my real estate license with your company?
Other than the $80.00 annual fee, NONE.
Now, if you consummate a real estate transaction, the transaction cost will only be a 90 / 10 split, meaning, if your commission check is $2000, then the brokerage transaction will be 10% of the $2000 which will be the amount of $200. That is a lot better than most “100% commission” companies whereas your 100% transaction fee hovers around $350.00 per transaction, along with some sort of compliance fee and desk fee, or some other monthly fee. The 90 / 10 split covers everything to include your compliance fee. Nothing else is charged if you close a real estate deal.
Again, you do not have to transact any real estate activities to simply hang your license with us, you may conduct some or none, the choice is yours. You can advertise yourself as a licensed real estate agent, and sell new homes or conduct other real estate activities such as REOs, Short-Sales, HUD homes, foreclosures, OR sell nothing and simply hang your license. Now, if you are a member of the Realtor board because you are hanging your license with our affiliated Realtor company (WindSun Realty LLC or National Properties Realty, LLC), then you are responsible for maintaining your dues with the board, if you cannot continue to pay the fees associated with the Realtor board, then you may consider transferring to our other company (Manago Management, LLC), Realtor membership is not required with that company. Again, the choice is yours and YOU regulate your costs.
2.) Can you please send me a list of any other fees that your office charges besides the $80.00 annual license hanging fee, i.e. desk fee, copy fees, mailing fees… etc.
As mentioned earlier, if you conduct a real estate transaction, which many license hangers do not do, it’s simply a 90 /10 split. My expenses, such as transaction coordinator, file storage, and other administrative cost will be handled by the 10% that I collect from the transaction. There are no other costs.
We are all trying to make ends meet, therefore I try to keep my cost to a bare minimum to stay in business. We have been in business for over 20 years, trying NOT to save money here and there is detrimental to any business model and leads to business failure and closure. Can you imagine your broker going broke just when you are closing deals. Again, we have been around for quite some time and don’t plan on going anywhere any time soon. We’re here to stay…
If you desire Realtor membership (which is not required), those are separate dues between you and the Realtor board.
3.) Is the $80.00 annual fee PRORATED?
No... the annual license hanging fee is charged when you first activate your license with us. Then you are billed annually. There is no refund or partial refund or proration of the annual license hanging fee. If you choose to become part of the company and hang your real estate license the cost will be $80, if you have other agendas and decide to sever your affiliation with us prior to your annual anniversary, the fee is NOT prorated or refunded.
Again, we are all trying to keep costs down, some agents have too much drama with moving around and It is not fair to all others that the low annual fee be increased because we have to add extra staff to accommodate some agents.
4.) When will I be billed for my annual license hanging fee, or will I be billed the following year(s)?
All annual fees will be billed on the anniversary month of your affiliation with us. Sometimes the fee is deducted from a real estate transaction, the agent is so advised.
5.) What happens if I don’t pay my annual fee?
We try not to create too much drama here; therefore your license will simply be forwarded to the Nevada Real Estate Division. The Nevada Real Estate Division (NRED) required notice will be mailed to your address as registered with NRED. Then your affiliation with our company will have been severed.
If you wish to "Return" to our organization, then you have to start over and complete the paperwork mandated by NRED, and of course, the annual fee starts over when you again affiliate with us; you will have a new anniversary month along with a new annual billing month.
6.) I plan to discontinue my membership with GLVAR due to financial constraints, can I continue promoting myself as a licensed real estate agent and continue to initiate real estate sales?
YES... Membership with the Greater Las Vegas Association of REALTORS (GLVAR) is not required with our organization and yes you may continue with your real estate career with us as an active real estate salesman or saleswoman as long as you are presently licensed by the state of Nevada and compliant with licensing statutes as mandated by the NRED.
There are no membership requirements or organizations to join, simply hang your real estate license or conduct real estate activities as the law allows and save yourself a tremendous amount of money.
However, since you are not a member of GLVAR or any other REALTOR organization, you will not have access to the MLS and your real estate endeavors will be limited. You need to determine what's best for you regarding REALTOR membership or not. Realtor membership mostly affects residential sales, if you are active with that specific market, consider maintaining your REALTOR affiliation, otherwise, you may show new homes, REO’s, HUD and VA homes or even commercial properties. The latter real estate products are not necessarily a part of the MLS system, therefore success in selling them does not necessarily require you to participate with the REALTOR organization.
Overall... Membership or NO membership, you can have both worlds here; whether you want to be a REALTOR or not, we can accommodate.
7.) Can I maintain my REALTOR status with your organization? OR, I need to continue being a REALTOR, but I want to leave my existing broker, can I do that with your organization?
Yes, of course... The Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors (GLVAR) requires all of their affiliated brokers to have ALL member agents within their brokerage to also be members of GLVAR, thus if your broker and brokerage are REALTOR Association members, you have no choice but to join the Realtor organization; you have to join the association of realtors (GLVAR) and pay the dues required of being a REALTOR.
We have structured our organization differently, we have a non-Realtor brokerage; Manago Management, LLC, which do not require you to be a REALTOR, in fact, you can just hang your license with that entity and relax, or consummate a few transaction here and there if you so desire, YOU decide how to conduct your business. Manago Management, LLC is not affiliated with the REALTOR organization, thus membership with the Realtor board is not a requirement.
But if YOU desire to be a REALTOR or wish to be affiliated with the REALTOR organization, then it's very simple. You will join our brokerage of WINDSUN Realty LLC, this brokerage is a REALTOR / MLS members which requires Realtor membership to include paying all of the required realtor dues. The fee structure of the WINDSUN organization is the same as Manago Management, LLC; It's $60 per year to hang your license, and if you close a real estate transaction, the split arrangement is 90 / 10 split, the same as with Manago Management, LLC.
You can join one organization and transfer to the other organization at any time. Some of our agents just starting out affiliate with our non-realtor member organization (Manago Management, LLC) because they do not have the money yet to join the Realtor board. When they become financially viable and desire to become Realtor members, they simply transfer to WindSun Realty, LLC and start their new careers as Realtors... Then again, some agents commence their real estate careers by becoming Realtors first by joining a realtor affiliated company, then they run out of money, and then they call us and request to affiliate with our non-realtor brokerage. Again, the choice is yours, you can jump from organization to organization and the fee stays the same; $60 per year, 90/10 if you close a transaction... and if applicable to you, your realtor dues.
8.) Can I work part-time as a real estate agent and continue working a full-time job elsewhere?
Absolutely... YOU regulate your time and activities, not your broker; whether you close a few real estate transactions or none at all, you manage your agenda. Again, no minimum real estate transaction here, meaning if you don’t close a deal, that’s quite fine by us.
9.) I live out of state OR out of the country, can I still hang my license with your firm?
Of course… As long as you are in compliance with the Nevada Real Estate Division (NRED) licensing guidelines and current with your real estate license requirements, you can of course affiliate with us.
10.) I am a California Broker (or other state broker), can I have multi-state license?
Yes..., Nevada, as most states, do not require real estate agents to reside within its borders. You can continue being a California (or other state) Broker, continue practicing real estate activities within your home state and simultaneously have a Nevada real estate license, all you would need is a Nevada Real Estate Broker to hang your license for you, and that would be us.
11.) Do I need to personally meet with the broker to get started with hanging my Nevada real estate license with your firm?
No, everything, to include the real estate division requirements and the initial payment can be done through the U.S. Mail and/or email.
12.) I live out of state (or out of the country), Can I submit all of my paperwork through the U.S. Mail (U.S.P.S.)
Absolutely... Again, everything, to include the real estate division requirements and the initial and subsequent payments can be done through the U.S. Mail, or even email and direct deposits.
13.) If I live out of state (or out of the country), How can I submit any paperwork regarding transaction submission?
All of your required paperwork regarding transaction closing, listing, and referrals can be submitted via U.S. mail (USPS). You will click on the "affiliated agent" link and follow the directions from there. Your paycheck can also be mailed to you or direct deposited, your preference of course.
14.) Hi, I am a brand spanking new agent, meaning I just passed my real estate exam yesterday..., I have yet to interview real estate brokers, therefore, I'll start with you... Do you offer training, mentoring, and/or guidance regarding real estate customary practices and how to properly execute a real estate transaction. Also, can I shadow the broker so that I can accelerate my personal training? Can I contact the broker day and night, at any time, and at my convenience, also, if I get into a bind with my real estate endeavors, will you bail me out? (this was an actual question asked of me)
Do you have an office that I can frequent and exercise floor time for possible leads and generate potential customers? Last, do you provide leads so that I can possibly be successful with my pursuit of closing a real estate deal?
Hi aspiring real estate agent... (name withheld to protect the innocent)
Thank you for your inquiry... There is much to learn subsequent to acquiring one's real estate license, all the agents affiliated with Manago Management LLC, WindSun Realty, and/or Pacific Group are independent agents and desire not to be mentored personally OR some have relationships with other agents that provide them with assistance. This brokerage will not be a good fit for a passionate agent seeking or aspiring success with limited knowledge of the practical application of consummating real estate transactions. A company such as possibly... Century-21 (I personally know the broker and owner) that offers vast training regarding real estate will be a great starting point for you, then if you choose to join an independent company AFTERWARDS and save a buck or two, shoot me an e-mail.
15.) Do I need to obtain a city or county business license?
The main office of Manago Management, LLC and WindSun LLC and Pacific Group, along with our partner brokerages are within the jurisdictional authority of Clark County Nevada, thus you would have to obtain a CLARK COUNTY business license. The broker of Manago Management and WindSun cannot enforce such requirements due to staffing limitations, however the county has notified all real estate brokers that they must advise their affiliated licensees that each agent must have a Clark County business license.
Manago Management and WindSun Realty and Pacific Group are located in CLARK COUNTY, not City of Las Vegas, nor City of North Las Vegas, OR even Henderson, we are in CLARK COUNTY, thus agents must obtain a Clark County Business license.
Please read this bulletin from the Clark County Business Licensing Authority that was sent to us addressing real estate agent business licensing: click here...
QUESTION of the Day:
16.) An actual question asked by a prospective agent...
License hanging question:
If I “hang’ my license at your brokerage, how do I sell MLS properties without joining the board of realtors? My goal would be to join the board eventually but I want to ramp up my sales first…
Broker Answer:
You wrote: If I "hang' my license at your brokerage. How do I sell MLS properties without joining the board of realtors?
You are apparently unfamiliar with the licensing guidelines as established by the Nevada Real Estate Division. If you want to sell "MLS properties" as you indicated, then of course you would have to be a REALTOR and join the Realtor Board.
In this website, it stated that you can just simply "hang" your license, or you could partake with REALTOR activities, but if you join our REALTOR brokerage, then of course you would have to be a REALTOR and pay all of the REALTOR dues, and do what you do as a Realtor, in your case, sell "MLS properties".
As indicated in this website, and this information is common knowledge to most licensees, you are mandated in joining the REALTOR board if you affiliate with a REALTOR company, our organization allows a licensee to either be a Realtor, or a Non-Realtor, the licensee has a choice; many companies do not offer this choice, it's one or the other.
Broker comments:
I get many questions weekly by many out-of-state brokers and in-state agents regarding the requirements of the company concerning Realtor membership... some agents do NOT want to be REALTOR members (not just yet) and some desire Realtor membership...
Our company can accommodate many of these agents, we provide both "non-MLS" agents and REALTORS.
Therefore, to directly answer your question: How do I sell MLS properties without joining the board of realtors...
YOU need to join a Realtor company and pay your Realtor dues.
DON'T ASK THE BROKER FOR THEIR MLS Password, it won't happen
DON'T ASK THE BROKER if you can input YOUR listing as the broker's listing.... again, won't happen
Your subsequent comment; my goal would be to join the board eventually but I want to ramp up my sales first.
Answer: As an independent contractor, you dictate your business, goals, costs, and direction. If you want to "ramp up your sales first" as you mentioned, why are you limiting yourself by not providing yourself with the tools to be successful? Overall, you need to address your own basic needs to become successful with YOUR business, if it's license hanging that you want, then hang your license, if it's sales that you desire, then sell and equip yourself with what you need to sell, that includes the Realtor organization. My brokerage does both and presently accommodating hundreds of Nevada licensees. You need to decide what’s best for YOU.
17.) Property Management and/or Business Broker Permit:
Can I perform property management or business brokering within your organization?
The simple and DIRECT answer is... NO.
Property management requires trust fund reconciliation, trust fund monitoring and a ton of broker supervision, meaning it's toooooo litigious for the broker to allow especially for the small financial gain that the brokerage generates from such agent activities. Business brokering requires funds to be held by the broker and sometimes monetary deposits are requested to be held by the agent. Again, too litigious for this brokerage to handle for the amount of money that we charge, so the answer to your property management / business brokering endeavor is "NO".
Now if you adamantly would like to possess a "Property Management Permit" and/or a "Business Broker Permit" for the sake of just having the permits so that you look cool or professional to your clients, the broker may allow you to possess the permit, HOWEVER you will need to sign an addendum to the ICA (Independent contractor's agreement) indicating and promising that you will not engage in any property management activities and/or business brokering activities while you are with our brokerage. ALSO...
An ADDITIONAL $80 PER permit PER year will be assessed to your annual fee.
If you would like to discuss further with our broker, email your phone number and a best time to call you.
Any other questions, please complete the "Contact Box" below, submit your question and the broker will get back to you as soon as possible.